If you are a luxury goods reseller/retailer you never want to be selling counterfeit goods
We connect buyers with experienced inspectors to make sure your luxury goods are authentic.
Don't take the sellers word for it, get a third party luxury goods inspexion quote today. Verify the authenticity, and keep your reputation.
The importing and selling of counterfeit goods is a huge problem in the world today. It is estimated that up to 10% of all goods are counterfeit, and importing it can lead to even bigger problems. Importing fake goods (by mistake) can happen to anyone. The best way not to let it happen to you is by using a 3rdparty inspection service.
We offer our service of connecting you to 3rdParty inspections in all the major manufacturing cities in the world, as a solution to counterfeiting.
If you want to import and sell counterfeits that is your problem, if you don't, use inspexion.com to get inspectors to verify the manufacturing claims and give you a non-biased 3rdparty inspection you can trust.
3rd Party Inspection
A consumer goods inspection, also called a third-party inspection or TPI, is when an outside service checks to see if your purchases meet production specifications. This could include verification of authenticity, artisanship, measurements, labelling, packing specifications, expiry dates, or any other tests done on site that the buyer requires.
Advantages of our service
Professionals only
Only professional outfits are registered on our platform. Vetted and screened, so you don't get any nasty surprises when selecting your quality control provider!
Lightning quick
Save days and hundreds of e-mails! All you need to do is to post ONE request for inspection, and you'll get lightning quick multiple offers, most often within minutes!
Best value for money
Get the best value for money with every offer! Pick the closest and most competent quality control company to your inspection site; why pay for someone else's travel time?
Our offers
They trust us
Are you an inspection company or a freelancer?
Whether you’re an ISO 17065 global player, a regional, a domestic inspection company, a freelance quality pro, or you’re simply good at taking pictures or writing reports, you’re welcome to submit your application to become a registered vendor, all in 5 easy steps. Submit your application for review, and once approved, check out short or long term jobs you may want to bid for. Get alerts and submit bids directly from your phone!