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With 59 of the Top 100 companies based in the USA, it is no wonder its online marketplace is the second biggest in the world. With online retail accounting for 14% of total retail sales of the world's biggest economy, an estimated annual sales value of $792 billion. Amazon leads the way but eBay, Walmart, Target, Wayfair, Overstock, Etsy, and Wish all play significant roles in the online marketplace landscape. 

Amazon dominates the online marketplace with 5% of all retail, in other words out of $100 dollars, $14 dollars were spent online, and of that $5 dollars is spent with Amazon. In a broader scope, this doesn't look like domination in the overall domestic marketplace - as $95 dollars were spent in other places- but since Amazon doesn't sell gas, cars, or groceries (which Americans still prefer to buy in person) it's domination lies solely in the online sphere where it takes up more than 40% with it's closest competitor Wallmart at 7%. 

Amazon receives over 2 Billion visits monthly with eBay in second place at 689 million visits. Amazon is not only the world's largest online retailer and marketplace but also the biggest smart speaker provider, the biggest cloud computing service, and the largest live streaming platform through twitch. It is also the second largest private employer in the USA. 

The USA is a vast landmass and the distance between cities and the low population density has contributed to a low uptake of e-commerce due to the high delivery costs. Compared to the China where 25% and the UK 23% of the share of the whole domestic economy is online. 

The US online marketplace has a variety of niche categories that have evolved into powerhouses on their own accord. Etsy's market is built on handmade crafts, Wayfair sells furniture and homewares, Newegg specializes in video gaming, Poshmark is a consumer-to-consumer fashion marketplace, then there’s GunBroker, Reverb, TheRealReal. 

Uber, a San Francisco-based niche marketplace, offers mobility as a service and enables users to conveniently book rides (similar to a taxi ride), order food delivery, or arrange freight transportation. During the second quarter of 2022, Uber had an impressive user base worldwide with more than 122 million monthly active users and 21 million trips conducted daily.

Inspexion is based on the same "sharing economy" model as Uber. This two-sided marketplace of connecting users (buyers) with service providers (inspectors) through an innovative marketplace is the key behind Inspexion. 

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