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3rd Party Outdoor Display Compliance


Advertisers spend a lot of money on billboards - especially in South Africa with billboards costing between 20 000 and 70 000 ZAR (USD 3800) per month depending on size, location, and advertising duration. These costs are justified by the number of viewers seeing the brand every day as they pass it. A lot of thought goes into the design of the billboards to communicate the right message, this is complemented by the choice of location to display the advertisement.

Getting the most views out of your target market is vital for the performance of the billboard. Any distractions from this will negatively influence your campaign.

As an advertiser running an outdoor advertising campaign, you want to make sure the campaign is presented on the agreed billboards correctly. A torn or vandalized billboard will not communicate your brand's message and should never be left on display. Broken lighting will negatively influence your brand and your visibility hours, and a dark billboard at night won't communicate your carefully crafted message.

So how do you know that all your billboards are doing what you paid for?
You hire a 3rd Party inspector to inspect and report on your campaign.

How do you hire a 3rd Party Inspector?
You create a Buyer account with us, post a Request For Inspection and compare multiple quotes. Appoint an inspector, pay, and receive your report.

We only have verified and accredited inspectors on our platform - and you get to rate them when your are done - so you know you'll get the best service!


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